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Y'know, it might take me forever to get around to things, but I eventually get there in the end.  Take DC's BEOWULF and TOR comics as an example.  I remember buying at least the first issues of each title back in the mid-'70s, but regardless of how many issues I bought of both series, I know I never had all six in each set.  Some years back, I bought #s 1-3 of Beowulf and #1 of Tor, and it's only now that I've finally acquired the remaining issues I needed to complete my collection of those two titles.  However, I'm cheating a little, as I haven't actually received my newly-purchased items yet, so I've used the seller's eBay photos - I'm sure he won't mind as the comics now belong to me.  I'll scan them when they arrive and replace the temporary piccies with better quality ones, but these will have to do you for now.

40-odd years after the fact, I can finally catch up on what I missed as a teenager.  I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.


Update:  All images have now been replaced with scans of the received comics, which are now in my collection.

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