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I published this post before a couple or so months back, but then removed it to accommodate a publisher who felt it detracted from a project he was then working on.  That project has now reached fruition, so I feel the question raised in the post is a valid one, hence me now offering it up again for your consideration.


Which of these versions of the same strip do you prefer, readers - the original colour strip or one of the black and white (or grey-scale) offerings presented below?  I have to declare my preference in favour of the colour strip, but if I had to pick one of the non-colour offerings, I'd lean towards the first one as, in my view, it captures more of the essence of the page than the washed out incarnation below it.  Tastes will vary of course, but the closer a reprint collection is to the original appearance of the contents, the better, as it captures more fully the visual impact the strips had on their initial printing.

Feel free to contribute to any discussion that may ensue. 

Note that the little fine-line visual effects around Davy's head in the last panel
are extremely faint, as a direct result of converting the page to 'black & white'

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