I've just learned that the chief architect of the MARVEL Universe, STAN LEE, has passed away.  There will be many fine tributes on other blogs to 'the man' I'm sure (as well as some scurrilous comments from the anti-Stan brigade), but all I want to say at this time is that I was privileged to meet him, shake his hand, and have a chat with him as he signed autographs.  All sensible people know that, without Stan, US comicbooks may not have been around today, so we owe him a great deal of appreciation and a huge debt of gratitude.  Condolences to his family, friends, and fans.  The world will never again be the same.


Sadly, some sickos seem to find Stan's death funny, and have ticked the box below accordingly.  Some people have no shame - especially when under the cloak of anonymity.

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