Copyright MARVEL COMICS. The 2019 reprint of CTB #1 |
At long last! CONAN The BARBARIAN is back where he belongs - at MARVEL COMICS. I saw the TRUE BELIEVERS reprint on RIP JAGGER's blog on Friday and promptly ordered a few copies from various mail order dealers. The first of them arrived today and is a joy to behold. Around a year or two ago, I purchased the original 1970 issue, but had the TB edition been available, I might not have bothered. (But, then again, might have.)
If you're not lucky enough to own the original, then the new reprint is the next best thing, the main difference being that Conan's name in the logo has been horizontally-compressed to allow for the True Believers banner. The story has, of course, been reprinted quite a few times over the years, so I thought I'd present the ones which featured the original cover (in some form or other) from my own collection. So here they are, starting in reverse order from the one above.
The name was amended to 'Conan The Adventurer', but that aside, this UK weekly featured the original Barry Smith tale. The mag lasted 3 issues |
This 11 issue run preceded the UK weekly title by just a few months. (Despite the cover date, it went on sale in March) |
This b&w UK Pocket Book hit the shops in 1980, and lasted for 13 issues |
Savage Sword Of Conan #1 hit newsagents in 1975, lasting 18 weekly issues |
The original 1970 issue that started it all |
The first and the latest - side-by-side |
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